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上诉人信达西安办事处(以下简称信达西安办)与被上诉人安中冷库 (以下简称中转冷库),原审被告粮油食品进出口公司(以下简称粮油公司)借款担保合同纠纷一案,陕西省高级人民法院于2007年7月8日作出(2007)陕民二初字第2号民事判决。信达西安办不服该判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成由审判员金剑锋担任审判长,代理审判员殷媛、潘勇锋参加的合议庭进行了审理,书记员赵穗军担任记录,本案现已审理终结。
原审法院经审理查明:2003年3月16日,粮油公司与中国银行陕西省分行(以下简称陕西中行)签订编号为2003年陕中营借字022号《人民币借款合同》一份,约定粮油公司向陕西中行借款2560万元,借款期限12个月,借款用途为借新还旧,借款利率为年利率5.31%,由中转冷库提供抵押担保。如粮油公司未按约定期限还款,逾期部分按每日万分之2.1计收利息。逾期利率遇利率调整分段计息。同日,中转冷库与陕西中行签订了编号为2003年陕中营抵字022号《抵押合同》,中转冷库以其 44.46亩土地使用权作价4106.55万元为粮油公司2560万元借款提供抵押担保。抵押合同第二条约定,借款合同双方协议变更合同内容的,除增加借款金额之外,无需征得抵押人的同意,抵押人应按照变更后的债权范围承担担保责任。借款合同双方未经抵押人同意而增加借款金额的,抵押人仍在原借款金额内承担保证责任。抵押权人将借款合同项下的债权转让给第三人的,抵押物继续担保,该债权优先受偿。同年3月17日,陕西中行向粮油公司发放贷款2560万元,粮油公司清偿了在陕西中行的旧贷款。2003年3月28日,西安市国土资源和房屋管理局就中转冷库同意继续用土地及地面建筑物进行贷款抵押的致函作了批复,该批复称:“你单位报来《关于同意继续用土地及地面建筑物进行贷款抵押的函》及你单位与中国银行陕西省分行签订的编号为2003年陕中营抵字022号抵押合同、粮油食品进出口公司与中国银行陕西省分行签订的编号为2003年陕中营借字022号人民币借款合同等附件收悉。根据《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》及建设部《城市房地产抵押管理办法》的规定,经研究,同意你单位以位于西安市未央区辛家庙土地使用权在中国银行陕西省分行设定抵押,为粮油食品进出口公司提供担保,贷款2560万元整,抵押期限为自登记之日起12个月,抵押证件为西未国用[2000]字第979号、西未国用 [2001]字第299号国有土地使用证。根据有关规定,在抵押期间,未经抵押权人同意,土地使用权及地上建筑物、附着物所有权不得转让。”
原审法院另查明,中转冷库提供的 44.466亩国有划拨土地使用权抵押中,有 13.265亩为中转冷库的福利区,即职工住宅区。该宗土地使用证号为西未国用 (2000)字第979号。
粮油公司与中转冷库未履行还款义务,信达西安办向陕西高院提起诉讼,请求判令粮油公司清偿借款本金2560万元及利息7 046 315.64元(计算至2006年9月 20日),中转冷库对上述借款本息承担担保责任,信达西安办对中转冷库提供的抵押物处置价款优先受偿,粮油公司与中转冷库承担诉讼费用。
原审法院经审理认为:粮油公司与陕西中行签订的编号2003年陕中营借字 022号《人民币借款合同》及陕西中行与信达西安办签订的《债权转让协议》,系各方当事人的真实意思表示,且不违反法律、行政法规强制性规定,应为有效。粮油公司未按合同约定履行还款义务,已构成违约,依法应承担相应的民事责任。中转冷库与陕西中行签订的编号为2003年陕中营抵字 022号《抵押合同》,除中转冷库提供的西未国用(2000)字第979号土地使用证项下的13.265亩土地使用权因存在争议而违反了《中华人民共和国担保法》第三十七条第一款第(四)项关于“所有权、使用权不明或者有争议的财产不得抵押”的规定无效外,其余部分符合《中华人民共和国担保法》第三十四条第一款第(三)项“抵押人依法有权处分的国有土地使用权、房屋和其他地上定着物可以抵押”的规定,应为有效。中转冷库应按抵押合同中有效部分的约定,对粮油公司所欠债务依法承担抵押担保责任。造成部分抵押无效,因陕西中行和中转冷库均有过错,根据最高人民法院《关于适用若干问题的解释》第七条,“主合同有效而担保合同无效,债权人无过错的,担保人与债务人对主合同债权人的经济损失,承担连带赔偿责任;债权人、担保人有过错的,担保人承担民事责任的部分,不应超过债务人不能清偿部分的二分之一”的规定,抵押人中转冷库在抵押权人信达西安办对有效抵押部分实现抵押权后,对粮油公司仍不能清偿的部分承担三分之一的赔偿责任。根据本案查明的事实,粮油公司2560万元的借款期限届满日为2004年3月16日,诉讼时效的届满日为2006年3月16日。信达西安办受让该债权后,分别于2004年 11月10日、2006年6月18日在《陕西日报》刊登催收公告,向粮油公司主张了权利,依据最高人民法院《关于审理涉及金融资产管理公司收购、管理、处置国有银行不良贷款形成的资产的案件适用法律若干问题的规定》第十条,“原债权银行在全国或省级有影响的报纸上发布的债权转让公告或通知中有催收债务内容的,该公告或通知可以作为诉讼时效中断的证据”的规定,本案借款的诉讼时效因债权人信达西安办主张权利发生中断,故粮油公司关于本案借款已过诉讼时效的抗辩理由不能成立。本案借款虽系借新还旧,但根据2003年3月28日,西安市国土资源和房屋管理局给中转冷库“关于房地产抵押登记展期的批复”证明,中转冷库持有粮油公司与陕西中行签订的2003年陕中营借字022号“借新还旧”的借款合同,由此证明其知道本案借款系“借新还旧”,故中转冷库辩称其不知道本案借款系“借新还旧”与事实不符,其主张抵押担保无效,应免除其担保责任的理由不能成立。西安市国土资源和房屋管理局给中转冷库抵押登记展期的批复中载明抵押期限自登记之日起12个月,期限届满后,中转冷库再未续登,但根据最高人民法院《关于适用若干问题的解释》第十二条第一项之规定:“当事人约定的或者登记部门要求登记的担保期间,对担保物权的存续不具有法律约束力”。故中转冷库关于抵押期限届满后未办展期,抵押无效的抗辩理由亦不能成立。本案所涉及的抵押物,除中转冷库提供的西未国用(2000)字第979号土地使用证项下的13.265亩土地使用权因违反《中华人民共和国担保法》第三十七条第一款第四项之规定无效外,中转冷库对西未国用(2001)字第299号土地使用证项下的 31.201亩土地使用权独自享有,本案抵押物不存在共有的问题,故中转冷库关于抵押担保未经共有人同意而无效的抗辩理由不能成立。其辩称本案已过诉讼时效,亦与事实不符,其抗辩理由不能成立。虽然信达西安办两次报纸公告没有中转冷库的名称,但根据《中华人民共和国担保法》第五十二条的规定:“抵押权与其担保的债权同时存在,债权消灭的,抵押权也消灭”。因本案债权并未消灭,故信达西安办的抵押权依然存在。综上,中转冷库主张抵押担保无效,请求免除担保责任的理由均不能成立。根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》第八十四条、第一百零六条第一款、第一百零八条、第一百四十条、《中华人民共和国合同法》第二百零七条、《中华人民共和国担保法》第三十三条、第三十七条第一款第四项、第四十一条、第五十二条、第五十三条、第五十七条、最高人民法院《关于适用若干问题的解释》第七条、最高人民法院《关于审理涉及金融资产管理公司、收购、管理、处置国有银行不良贷款形成的资产的案件运用法律若干问题的规定》第十条之规定,该院判决如下:一、陕西中行与粮油公司签订的编号为2003年陕中营借字022号《人民币借款合同》及陕西中行与信达西安办签订的《债权转让协议》有效;陕西中行与中转冷库签订的编号为2003年陕中营抵字022号《抵押合同》中,除西未国用(2000)字第979号土地证项下的13.265亩土地使用权抵押无效外,其余部分有效;二、粮油公司在本判决生效后10日内向信达西安办偿还借款本金2560万人民币及利息(借款合同期内的利息按照借款合同约定的利率计付,逾期部分的利息按照中国人民银行规定的同期逾期罚息计算标准计付至给付之日);三、粮油公司不履行上述给付义务时,信达西安办有权就中转冷库提供的抵押物西未国用(2001)字第299号土地使用证项下的 31.201亩土地使用权折价或者以拍卖、变卖该财产的价款优先受偿;四、上述二、三项给付义务执行完毕后,如信达西安办仍有部分债权未受清偿,中转冷库对粮油公司不能清偿的部分承担三分之一的赔偿责任。五、中转冷库履行担保义务后,有权向粮油公司追偿。如果未按本判决指定的期间履行给付金钱义务,应当依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百三十二条之规定,加倍支付迟延履行期间的债务利息。案件受理费86 621元,保全费81 616元,由粮油公司承担。
信达西安办不服陕西省高级人民法院上述民事判决,向本院提起上诉称,(一)一审判决认定事实不清,证据不足,信达西安办对西未国用(2000)字979号土地证项下的13.265亩土地使用权享有合法的抵押权。根据《担保法》之规定,当事人完全可以对在其名下的国有土地使用权进行抵押,抵押权人与抵押人只要在土地管理部门办理完成抵押物登记,该抵押权就是合法有效的,在没有相反证据的情况下合法有效的抵押权并不能任意推翻。原债权银行与中转冷库签订了西未国用(2000)字第979号土地使用权抵押合同,又于同年3月28日在西安市国土资源和房屋管理局办理了抵押权登记,登记机构核发了市国土房管发(2003)109号抵押批复,信达西安办与中转冷库签订了抵押合同,又依法办理了抵押权登记手续,双方行为完全符合《担保法》及相关法规之规定。信达西安办对上述土地使用权享有的抵押权是完全合法有效的。(二)一审判决适用法律错误,西未国用 (2000)字第979号国有土地使用权属中转冷库享有,并不存在权属争议。信达西安办出示的多份证据足以证明西未国用(2000)字第979号国有土地使用权在法律上属于中转冷库享有,该幅土地使用权权属清楚,并无任何争议,中转冷库完全有权利在其上设定抵押权,一审认定上述土地使用权系所有权、使用权不明或者有争议的财产是适用法律错误。(三)一审法院仅以抵押土地上先前已有职工住宅为由即认定上诉人享有抵押权的土地使用权存在争议,明显证据不足。中转冷库用以抵押的13.265亩土地,在1992年即已经陕西省对外经济贸易委员会及其他相关部门批准,集资建了三栋职工家属楼共计46户,并于2001年5月9日领取了房产证,但土地性质仍为划拨土地,在此情况下中转冷库以该土地使用权设定了抵押,一审判决据此即认定信达西安办享有抵押权的土地使用权存在争议而认为抵押权无效,该认定是不能成立的。原因在于,《担保法》所指的使用权不明或有争议的财产仅指双方对使用权有争议,正由司法部门或者行政部门进行解决的情况,在这种情况下由于该土地使用权是否存在争议正由相关部门处理,因此法律不允许此种土地使用权进行抵押。本案中西未国用(2000)字第979号国有土地使用权从档案中看在中转冷库名下,没有任何单位或者个人与中转冷库就该土地使用权发生争议。虽中转冷库职工在该土地上建有住宅,但并不能以此否定上诉人已经土地管理部门登记的抵押权,因此一审判决信达西安办抵押权部分无效明显证据不足。综上,一审判决认定事实不清,证据不足,适用法律错误,上诉人对西未国用 (2000)字第979号国有土地使用权享有的抵押权合法有效。请求:1.撤销陕西省高级人民法院(2007)陕民二初字第2号民事判决书第一、三、四项,改判确认信达西安办对中转冷库抵押的两宗土地均享有抵押权,中转冷库应承担担保责任,信达西安办有权处置中转冷库享有的西未国用(2000)字第979号、西未国用(2001)字第299号国有土地使用权,从抵押物处置价款中优先受偿。2.由粮油公司和中转冷库承担本案全部诉讼费用。
被上诉人中转冷库答辩称:一审判决认定事实清楚,证据充分,适用法律得当,依法应当维持,请求驳回信达西安办的上诉请求,维持原审判决。(一)西未国用 (2000)字第979号土地证项下的13.265亩土地抵押无效。信达西安办一审没有出示他项权利证书,应承担举证不能的法律后果。抵押合同未经其他共有人同意,抵押无效。中转冷库为解决职工住宅楼问题,于 92年9月8日贷资盖楼,经省经贸委 (1992)349号文件批准,并报省纪委、省建行、市规划局、市房地局、市土地局等有关部门备案,共46户职工在2001年5月9日领取了房屋所有权证,产权界定为私有。一审庭审中,信达西安办承认其在办理抵押时去现场查看过,知道有三幢职工家属集资楼共有人。本案土地抵押没有经过共有人同意,抵押行为无效。(二)一审判决适用法律得当,西未国用(2000)字第979号国有土地存在严重的权属问题。首先,46户职工办理房产证在先,抵押行为在后。46户职工于2001年5月9日在西安市房产管理局办理的房屋所有权证,46产房屋所有权人享有西未国用(2000)字第979号 13.265亩地的使用权;其次,国家政策没有关于国家职工集资房和国有土地大证分割的政策,故中转冷库无法办理;再次,信达西安办知道抵押土地上有三幢职工集资楼,职工办理合法有效的房产证,还置法律于不顾,于2003年3月28日行使抵押无效行为。即使信达西安办对抵押物的所有权状态不知,也不能取得抵押权。(三)信达西安办在该案中有严重过错,应当自行承担法律责任。原债权银行在办理抵押时,明知抵押物上有三幢职工集资楼,46户职工有房产证,明知抵押土地存在所有权、使用权不明问题,强行办理无效抵押合同。信达西安办作为专业机构应当自行承担法律后果。抵押登记期满未办理展期,抵押已无效。信达西安办起诉中转冷库时已经超过诉讼时效,依法应裁定驳回起诉。根据《物权法》二百零二条的规定“抵押人应当在主债权诉讼时效期间内行使抵押权;未行使的,人民法院不予保护。”这两块抵押土地信达西安办没有在主债权诉讼时效期间内行使抵押权,人民法院都不应当保护。(四)信达西安办明知抵押权无效,又申请法院查封原抵押的土地,该土地上持有房产的 46户职工,几百名家属强烈不满,要上访反映,严重影响社会的安定和谐。
本院经二审审理,除认定原审法院查明的事实外,另查明:西未国用(2000)字第 979号土地上有职工住宅楼,其中46户职工持有西安市房产管理局颁发的《房屋所有权证》,填发日期部分为2001年5月21日,部分为5月22日,房产所有权证中房屋分层分户平面图下标时间为2001年5月9日。中转冷库与陕西中行签订的2003年陕中营抵字022号《抵押合同》第五条“抵押财产”中约定:“抵押财产净值为人民币4106.55万元,有关情况详见抵押财产清单”,该合同所附抵押财产清单中载明“抵押财产名称”为“土地、房产”。西安市房屋管理局2008年7月18日出具《关于安中冷库土地权抵押登记的复函》(市房函[2008]101号),载明:“经核实,安中冷库西未国用(2000)字第 979号、西未国用(2001)字第299号国有土地使用证,在我局办理过抵押登记手续,初次登记时间为2001年3月6日,展期登记时间为2003年3月28日。以上两块土地证载用途为仓储用地。”“在2002年机构改革以前,市房产局与市土地局都有土地使用权抵押登记业务。市房产局办理抵押登记时,暂存土地使用证原件,直至抵押登记注销。机构改革以后,两局合并,经局领导研究,两局合并之前原房产局办理的抵押登记业务,作为遗留问题,由产权市场处办理展期和注销登记。按照该决定,两局合并以后,市场处办理的抵押登记业务都是原来的遗留问题,登记备案证明抄送地籍地政处、房地产交易管理中心和房屋产权产籍管理中心。2005年机构改革后,两局分设,该遗留问题仍由我局办理。”“安中冷库所建房屋产权登记总共有三处,其中两处为职工住宅,证号为1150112018-15-19、 1150112018-15-3,已房改分户,发证日期为1998年9月;一处为办公,证号为 1150112018-15-2,发证日期为1998年9月,提交的土地证为:未国用(95)字 1321#、1322#。三处房产登记均看不出与西未国用(2000)字第979号土地证有关联。”西安市国土资源局所存西未国用(2000)字第979号土地档案中土地登记审批表显示该宗土地“申报建筑物权属”为“本单位所有”,“建筑物类型”为“平房、楼房”,“土地用途”为“仓储”,并载明“该宗地由安中冷库使用,持有未国用(1995)字第1321号《国有土地使用证》,证载土地面积为11 236.59平方米。经未央区土地局地籍调查,土地面积为 13.265亩,用途为住宅。注销原颁发的未国用(1995)字第1321号《国有土地使用证》。同意换发新证”。
《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》第三十一条规定:“房地产转让、抵押时,房屋的所有权和该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权同时转让、抵押”,中华人民共和国建设部1997年10月27日颁布的《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》第六条规定:“房屋权属登记应当遵循房屋的所有权和该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权权利主体一致的原则”,中华人民共和国土地管理局1992年 3月8日颁布的《划拨土地使用权管理暂行办法》第十一条规定:“转让、抵押土地使用权,其地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权随之转让、抵押;转让、抵押地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权,其使用范围内的土地使用权随之转让、抵押。但地上建筑物、其他附着物作为动产转让的除外”。“地随房走,房随地走”的权利合一原则是我国房地产权属的一贯原则。房产转让人负有将所售房屋占用范围内的土地使用权移转给受让人的义务,受让人享有要求将所购房屋占用范围内土地使用权移转给自己的权利。在土地使用权变更登记完成之前,转让人为登记的名义权利人,但受让人为实质权利人,可以请求将土地使用权变更至自己名下。
陕中营抵字022号《抵押合同》中约定了抵押物名称为“土地、房产”,中转冷库 2003年向西安市国土资源和房屋管理局报送的也为《关于同意继续用土地及地面建筑物进行贷款抵押的函》。因此,虽然抵押登记只针对西未国用(2000)字第979号国有土地使用权,但应视为当事人约定土地使用权与地面建筑物所有权一并抵押。然而地上建筑物中职工住宅楼的所有权已经移转给购房职工所有,中转冷库并无权利处分。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第五十一条之规定:“无处分权的人处分他人财产,经权利人追认或者无处分权的人订立合同后取得处分权的,该合同有效”,该抵押合同未经地上建筑物所有权人购房职工追认;且西未国用(2000)字第979号土地使用权证书中已经标明该宗土地上存有地上建筑物,并标明为中转冷库的福利区,地上建筑物中职工住宅楼所有权已经登记移转至购房职工名下,而原债权银行却未查明地上建筑物实际权属即接受抵押,也存在过错,因此抵押合同无效,依据该合同设立的抵押权也相应无效。
一审案件受理费、诉讼保全费按照一审判决执行。二审案件受理费102 515.79元,由上诉人信达西安办事处承担68 343.86元,被上诉人安中冷库承担 34 171.93元。
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一次卖出 的该种类债券买
某一种类 入价和买进过程中 一次卖出 卖出该种类
债券允许 交纳的税费总和 的该种类 债券过程中
扣除的买 = --------------------×债券的数+交纳的税费
入价和 纳税人购进的该 量
费 用 种类债券总数量


| | | | | 速算 |
|级数| 含税级距 | 不含税级距 |税率(%)| 扣除数 |
|1 |不超过500元的 |不超过475元的 | 5 | 0 |
| |超过500元至 |超过475元至 | | |
|2 |2000元的部分 |1825元的部分 | 10 | 25 |
| |超过2000元至 |超过1825元至 | | |
|3 |5000元的部分 |4375元的部分 | 15 | 125 |
| |超过5000元至 |超过4375元至 | | |
|4 |20000元的部分 |16375元的部分| 20 | 375 |
| |超过20000元至 |超过16375元至| | |
|5 |40000元的部分 |31375元的部分| 25 |1375 |
| |超过40000元至 |超过31375元至| | |
|6 |60000元的部分 |45375元的部分| 30 |3375 |
| |超过60000元至 |超过45375元至| | |
|7 |80000元部分 |58375元的部分| 35 |6375 |
| |超过80000元至 |超过58375元至| | |
|8 |100000元的部分|70375元的部分| 40 |10375|
| |超过100000元 |超过70375元的| | |
|9 |的部分 |部分 | 45 |15375|
| | | | | 速算 |
|级数| 含税级距 | 不含税级距 |税率(%)| 扣除数 |
|1 |不超过5000元的 |不超过4750元的| 5 | 0 |
| |超过5000元至 |超过4750元至 | | |
|2 |10000元的部分 |9250元的部分 | 10 | 250 |
| |超过10000元至 |超过9250元至 | | |
|3 |30000元的部分 |25250元的部分| 20 |1250 |
| |超过30000元至 |超过25250元至| | |
|4 |50000元的部分 |39250元的部分| 30 |4250 |
| |超过50000元 |超过39250元的| | |
|5 |的部分 |部分 | 35 |6750 |
| | | | | 速算 |
|级数| 含税级距 | 不含税级距 |税率(%)| 扣除数 |
|1 |不超过20000元的|不超过16000元的| 20 | 0 |
| |超过20000元至 |超过16000元至 | | |
|2 |50000元的部分 |37000元的部分 | 30 |2000 |
| |超过50000元的 |超过37000元的 | | |
|3 |部分 |部分 | 40 |7000 |


(State Administration of Taxation: 31 March 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994] No. 089)

Whole Doc.
To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, to the tax bureaus of various cities with independent
planning and to various sub-bureaus of the Offshore Oil Tax
The Regulations on Some Issues Concerning the Levy of Individual
Income Tax we have formulated is hereby printed and issued to you, please
conscientiously put it into practice. These Regulations go into effect on
January 1, 1994.
In order to better implement the Individual Income Tax Law of the
People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Tax Law) and
Regulations for Its Implementation (hereinafter referred to as
Regulations), conscientiously do a good job of the collection and
management of individual income tax, in the spirit of the stipulations of
the Tax Law and Regulations, some specific questions are hereby clarified
as follows:
I. The question concerning how to understand "habitual residence"
Article 2 of the Regulations stipulates that individuals who have
residences within the territory of China refer to those individuals who
live habitually within the territory of China because they have
households, families and relations of economic interests, the term
"habitual residence" is a standard of a legal significance which is used
to determine whether the tax payer is a resident or non- resident, not
refer to the actual residence or the apartment in a particular period. For
example, those individuals who live outside China due to study, work,
visiting relatives or tour, after the end of these activities, the reasons
for them to live outside China no longer exist and therefore must return
to live within China, then China is the country of the tax payer's
habitual residence.
II. The question concerning the levy of tax on the income from wages and
Item 1 in Clause 1 of Article 8 of the Regulations clearly stipulates
the concrete contents of the income gained from wages and salaries and the
tax- levying scope, tax shall be levied strictly in accordance with the
stipulations. As to the question regarding whether some specific income
items such as subsidies and allowances should be included into the
tax-levying scope related to income gained from wages and salaries, the
matter shall be handled and implemented in light of the following
(1) Article 13 of the Regulations stipulates that the special
government allowances issued in accordance with the State Council
stipulations and the subsidies and allowances on which individual income
tax are exempt according to State Council stipulation shall be exempt from
individual income tax. Tax shall be levied on various other subsidies and
allowances which shall be included into the items of wage and salary
(2) The following subsidies and allowances essentially not belonging
to wage and salary or not belonging to income gained from the tax payer's
own wage and salary are exempt from tax:
1. One-child subsidies;
2. The balance of subsidies and allowances not included in the total
amount of basic wage for implementing the public functionary wage system
and non-staple food subsidies for family members;
3. Nursery subsidies;
4. Travel expense allowances and subsidies for missing the meal.
III. Question concerning the levy of tax on the wage and salary income
earned by Chinese personnel working with enterprise with foreign
investment, foreign enterprises and foreign organizations in China
(1) For those wage and salary income gained by Chinese personnel
working with enterprise with foreign investment, foreign enterprises and
foreign organizations in China which are paid respectively by the hiring
unit and dispatching unit, the paying unit shall withhold the individual
income tax in accordance with the stipulations of Article 8 of the Tax
Law. According to the stipulations of Item 1 of Clause 1 of Article 6 of
the Tax Law, the balance after deducting the prescribed expense from the
whole monthly wage and salary incomes shall be taken as the taxable amount
of income. To facilitate the collection and management of tax, with regard
to the wages and salaries paid respectively by the hiring unit and the
dispatching unit, the method of deducting expenses from the payer, that
is, when wages and salaries are paid only by the hiring unit, expenses are
deducted in accordance with the stipulation of the Tax Law and individual
income tax is calculated and withheld; expenses are no longer be deducted
from the wages and salaries paid by the dispatching unit, the full amount
of payment is used to directly determine the applicable tax rate and
calculate and withhold individual income tax.
The above-mentioned tax payer shall bring with him the original
detailed wage and salary lists (documents) provided by the two paying
units and the original tax payment certificate and select the tax
authorities as the fixed place where he shall declare his monthly wage and
salary income and make the final settlement of individual income tax on
his wage and salary incomes, any overpayment refunded or any deficient
payment supplemented. The concrete time limit for declaration shall be
determined by the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
(2) Full amount of tax shall be levied on the wage and salary incomes
issued to Chinese personnel by enterprise with foreign investment, foreign
enterprises and foreign establishments in China. But for those who can
provide effective contracts or related certificates which can prove they
have turned over part of their wage and salary income to the dispatching
(recommending) units in accordance with relevant stipulations, individual
income tax can be calculated and levied on the balance after deducting
that part they have actually turned over to the higher authorities.
IV. The question concerning the levy of tax on income from contribution
(1) The same works (written works, calligraphy and paintings, photos
as well as other works) published by an individual each time in the forms
of books, newspapers and magazines, whether the contribution fees are paid
in advance or in several sums by the publisher, or further contribution
fees are paid after more copies of the work are printed, individual income
tax shall be calculated and levied lump sum on the combined income gained
from contribution fees. In terms of income gained from contribution fees
for the same works published or republished in two or more places,
individual income tax may be calculated and levied on separate incomes
gained from different places or from republication.
(2) For an individual's same work published in instalments in
newspapers or magazines, all incomes gained from contribution fees paid
for the works published in instalments shall be combined in lump sum,
individual income tax on which shall be calculated and levied in
accordance with the stipulations of the Tax Law. The income gained from
contribution fees paid for the book published after the work is published
in instalments, or income gained from contribution fees paid for the book
first published and then published in installments shall be regarded as
contribution fees paid for the second edition on which individual income
tax shall be calculated and levied on each time contribution fees are
(3) After the death of the author, if the contribution fees paid for
the posthumous works, individual income tax shall be levied on the
contribution fees.
V. The question concerning tax levied on income gained from the
auctioning of manuscripts
For the income gained by the author who openly sells the original
copies or replicas of his own written works (at competitive price),
individual income tax shall be levied on the income gained from royalties.
VI. The question concerning tax levied on income from the lease of his
(1) The tax and the key construction funds for the state's energy and
communications, the state budgetary regulatory funds and additional
education fees paid by the tax payer in the course of leasing property may
be deducted from the income gained from the lease of his property if he
holds the certificate showing that he has paid tax (and the required
(2) When calculating and levying tax on the income gained from the
lease of the property of the tax payer, apart from the prescribed expenses
and related tax and fees that can be deducted according to law, it is
permissible to deduct the actual betterment fees paid for that leased
property by the tax payer who can provides effective and accurate
certificates proving that the expenses are borne by him. The betterment
fees allowed to be deducted is limited to 800 yuan each time, the
betterment fees which cannot be fully deducted at one time are allowed to
be deducted the next time until they are completely deducted.
(3) A tax payer whose income from the lease of property is confirmed
shall have the property right certificate as the basis, when such property
right certificate is lacking, the tax payer shall be determined by the
competent tax authorities in light of the actual conditions.
(4) When the owner of the property right dies, during the period when
the procedures for inheritance to the property rights have not as yet been
performed, if there is income gained from the lease of that property, the
individual who receives the rent shall be the tax payer.
VII. The question concerning how to determine the original value of the
creditor property transferred.
For the transfer of creditor's rights, the weighted average method is
adopted to determine the original value of property and reasonable
expenses which shall be deducted. This means, the total of the buying
price paid by the tax payer for the purchase of the kind of bonds and the
tax paid in the purchasing course divided by the total of the amount of
that kind of bonds purchased by the tax payer and multiplied by the amount
of that kind of bonds sold by the tax payer and plus the tax paid in the
course of selling that kind of bonds. This is indicated by the following
The total of
the buying
price paid
by the tax
payer when
The buying purchasing that
price and kind of bonds
expenses and the tax paid The tax
allowed to in the course The amount paid in
be deducted of purchase of that kind the course
for the = ----------------- x of bonds sold + of buying
certain kind The total amount at one time that kind
of bonds of that kind of of bonds
sold at bonds purchased
one time by the tax payer
VIII. The question concerning tax levied on the director fees
For the income derived from the director fees gained by an individual
for assuming the post as a director is essentially income belonging to
labor service remuneration, individual income tax is levied in accordance
with the item of income from labor service remuneration.
IX. The question concerning tax levied on the income gained by an
individual from different items of labor service remunerations
The "same item" mentioned in Item 1, Clause 1 of Article 21 of the
Regulations refers to a certain single item among the listed concrete
labor service items related to income from labor service remuneration, for
an individual who concurrently has income from different labor service
remunerations, expenses should be subtracted separately and individual
income tax shall be calculated and paid.
X. The question concerning how to determine the place for tax payment by
a foreign tax payer who works in several places in China
(1) Foreign personnel who temporarily come to China to work at
several places or provide labor services shall take the date prescribed by
the Tax Law for declaration of tax payment as the standard and declares to
pay tax at a certain place where the date for declaration of tax payment.
But he is allowed to file an application, After the application is granted
approval, he may declare tax payment at a fixed place.
(2) For foreign tax payers to whom wages and salaries are issued by
foreign enterprises or working bodies in China, the foreign enterprises or
working bodies in China shall declare tax payment with local tax
authorities for all these foreign tax payers.
XI. The question concerning tax levied on bonuses issued
When a shareholding enterprise distributes dividends and bonuses, the
due dividends and bonuses (i. e., issuing bonuses) are paid in the form of
shares to individual share-holders, the face value of the shares issued as
bonuses shall be taken as the amount of income, and individual income tax
shall be calculated and levied in light of the items of interest,
dividends and bonuses.
XII. The question concerning calculation of the payable tax amount by
using the method of rapid calculation of deducted amount
In order to simplify the calculation of the payable amount of
individual income tax, the payable tax amount can be calculated by the
method of rapid calculation of the deducted amount related to the income
from wages and salaries, the income from production and management of
individual industrial and commercial units, the income earned by
enterprises or institutions from contracting and leasing business to which
the progressive rates levied on income in excess of specific amounts are
applicable, as well as income from labor service remuneration to which the
rate of addition collection is applicable. The formula for calculating the
payable tax amount is given as follows:
Payable tax amount = taxable income amount x applicable tax
rates-rapid calculation of deducted amount
The rapid calculation of deducted amount for calculating payable tax
amount for the taxable income to which the progressive rates are levied on
income in excess of specific amounts, for details see attached Tables 1, 2
and 3.
XIII. The question concerning tax levied on bonuses for several months
earned lump sum by the tax payer or on additional year-end salary and
labor dividends
With regard to the bonuses belonging to several months or additional
year-end salary and labor dividends gained lump sum by the tax payer,
generally individual income tax is calculated and levied on the whole
bonuses or additional year-end salary and labor dividends together with
the wage and salary of the current month. But when the applicable tax rate
is raised after calculation of the combined amount, individual income tax
may be calculated and levied at the applicable tax rate by using monthly
bonuses or additional year-end salary and labor dividends to add the
current month wage and salary and subtract the balance of the current
month expenses deducted according to standard, the balance is regarded as
the base number to determine the applicable tax rate, then the current
month wage and salary is used to add the whole bonuses or additional
year-end salary and labor dividends and to subtract the balance of the
current month expenses deducted according to standard. If there is no
amount of taxable income calculated according to the above-mentioned
method. tax is exempt.
XIV. The question concerning the method for calculating and levying tax
borne by a unit or individual who is the tax payer
For the individual income tax payment borne by a unit or an
individual who is the tax payer, the income not containing tax gained by
the tax payer shall be converted into a taxable income amount on which
individual income tax shall be calculated and levied. The calculation
formula is given as follows:
(1) Payable income amount =
(the income amount not containing tax -
expense deducting standard -
rapid calculation deducted amount) -
(1 - tax rate)
(2) Taxable amount =
taxable income amount x applicable tax rate -
the rapid calculation deducted amount
The tax rate in formula (1) refers to the tax rate corresponding to
the grade difference not containing tax (for detail see attached tax rate
Tables 1, 2, and 3) on the income not containing tax; the tax rate in
formula (2) refers to the tax rate corresponding to the grade difference
containing tax on the amount of taxable income.
XV. The Question concerning how to handle tax reimbursement and tax
repayment for the income earned in foreign currency by the tax payer
(1) When the income is earned in foreign currency by the tax payer
and after tax is paid with Renminbi converted from the foreign currency in
accordance with the listed price published by the People's Bank of China,
if tax reimbursement is needed to be made for the extra tax payment, for
taxable income gained before December 31, 1993, the tax payment in
Renminbi which should be refunded can be converted into foreign currency
in accordance with the listed foreign exchange price (buying price, the
same below), at the time when tax is paid, then the amount of foreign
currency is converted into Renminbi in accordance with the listed foreign
exchange price on the day the tax reimbursement certificate is issued to
return the tax in Renminbi; for the taxable income gained after January 1,
1994, the extra tax payment in Renminbi shall be refunded directly.
(2) For the tax payer who earned income in foreign exchange, when
there is the need to repay tax for the underpaid tax, besides a final
settlement should be made in accordance with the stipulations of the Tax
Law, it is necessary to convert the foreign currency into Renminbi in
accordance with the listed foreign exchange price on the last day of the
previous month when the tax repayment certificate is issued, calculate the
taxable income amount and repay tax.
XVI. The question concerning how to calculate and levy tax on the wage
and salary income gained respectively from inside and outside China.
For a tax payer who has wage and salary income gained simultaneously
from inside and outside China, it is necessary to follow the principle
stipulated in Article 5 of the Regulations to judge whether the income
gained from inside and outside China is income derived from one country.
When the tax payer can provide effective certificate proving that he holds
a post or is hired simultaneously inside and outside China as well the
wage and salary standard, his income can be determined as income derived
from both inside and outside China, the expenses shall be subtracted
separately in accordance with the stipulations of the Tax Law and
Regulations and tax payment should be calculated; for those who fail to
provide the above-mentioned certificate, the income shall be regarded as
income earned from one country, if the unit where he holds a post or is
hired is outside China, the income shall be regarded as income earned from
outside China.
XVII. The question concerning how to calculate and levy tax if the
contracting or leasing period is less than one year
For a tax payer who engages in the contracting and leasing business,
the income gained from the contracting and leasing business on a
tax-paying year basis shall be used to calculate tax payment, within one
tax-paying year, if the contracting or leasing operation is less than 12
months, the number of months for the actual contracting and leasing
operation is taken as a tax-paying year to calculate tax payment. The
calculation formula is as follows:
The taxable income amount = the income amount from that year's
contracting and leasing operation - (800 x the number of months of actual
contracting and leasing operation in that year)
Taxable amount = taxable income amount x applicable tax rate- rapid
calculation deducted amount
XVIII. The question concerning interest, dividend and bonus
withholding agent The levying method of source withholding is
instituted for interest, dividend and bonus incomes, the withholding
agent should be the unit which directly pay interest, dividend and bonus
to the tax payer.
XIX. The question concerning the difference between wage and salary
income and income from labor service remuneration
Wage and salary income belongs to non-independent individual labor
service activity, that is the remuneration gained from the post an
individual holds in or is hired by a government office, organization,
school, army unit, enterprise, institution as well as other organizations;
income from labor service is the remuneration gained from various
mechanical arts an individual is independently engaged in and from various
labor services he provides. The differences between the two lie in: the
former has the relationship between the hirer and the hired, the latter
does not have such relationship.
XX. If previous regulations conflict with these Regulations, these
Regulations shall be acted upon.

Tax Rate Table 1

不分页显示   总共2页  1 [2]






公 告

工产业[2010] 第124号


